Har har har. Two subjects today: Max Snatch day and Milk.
Alex and I worked primarily on form, didn’t really max, but did lots of reps at 75#, 80#, and 85#. Lindsay maxed at a PR of 140#!!! Can you imagine? Some day.
It was a nice heavy day, felt good to just pick up heavy things and move them around. Plus, I’m finally feeling confident on the form of the snatch!
My abs are sore from Tuesday’s workout … Alex and I postulated that it’s from the 30″ box jumps because we had to pull everything in so tight to get up that high, plus you keep your abs tight on thrusters, particularly with the front squats. More proof that good abs are from functional movement, not just crunches!
Web find: Where is My Milk From?
Dairy is a hot topic in the Paleo/Primal community: do it or don’t? Bane of our existence or lifeblood of humankind? I sit squarely in the I LOVE DAIRY camp, with the caveat that I know some people can’t handle it. I’ve gone off dairy for over 30 days, saw no positive effects, added it back in, and saw no ill effects. So my system is obviously okay with dairy, and for me it’s a great source of protein, complex carbs, and fat.
That said, I only drink/eat free-ranging, grass-fed dairy products. I’d love to drink raw milk all the time (check out my MooJesus! post), but it’s illegal in Texas unless it’s bought from the farm, so it’s hard to get. So I generally drink local and non-homogenized milk, eat pastured butter, and raw cheese. This new web tool is particularly exciting because it will allow me to discover new brands of milk, and check up on old faves, to make sure the cows are grassfed and humanely handled. Yay!