After a VERY virtual week at a virtual conference that had me in front of a screen 7-7, I could not be more ready for the non-virtual adventure I’m about to embark on in Costa Rica!
BUT if you miss me and want in on my virtual life, check out this (business) podcast I was a guest on—the host and I connected easily and instantly around similar career paths and outlooks on life and work. It was awesome, and the end result is pretty cool.
There was almost nothing this week but work, but I also got to celebrate some of the little things:
Grateful for truck delivery services, long phone calls with a dad and a bromance, hearing from TWO old roommates named Cal(l)i(e), meeting a most precious baby, hosting more hot pools, eating crawfish, visiting Honeymoon Spirit Lounge which I’m hoping will become my local on their opening day, and generally just anticipating the upcoming travels which SCIENCE says is as fun as the vacation itself. Here’s hoping that isn’t true!
Vey, very grateful for my friends, my family, my life that I’ve built and love.