you are my celebrity

Two Week Sandwich | Feel Good Friday 071524

If I could outline the last two weeks of my life, it’d basically be a sandwich of INCREDIBLY INTENSE WORK DAYS and SUPER FUN WEEKENDS before an incredibly intense workday crashed into a super fun weekend and I was on a conference call at 9am on a Saturday getting made fun of for a voice that had only been raspy for ten days. My reply? IT IS SATURDAY MORNING.

plaid pup

In the end it’s great news for my company and hopefully soon for me, where the intensity should ramp back down to the normal-business kind, not the federal-goverment-is-suing-us kind. Just in time for me to jet off—by which I mean cruise up in the MINI—to the mountains to cool off.

Of course I’d be remiss not to note that in this weekend of contrasts an attempted assassination of a former President and current (presumptive, technically) Presidential nominee occurred, which regardless of personal politics is a horrific event and commentary on the state of politics in our country. I am grateful much of the commentary coming after the event has echoed this sentiment, and disappointed in others. Does this change the tenor of the election this year? We can only hope.

a great meal (chickpea orzo carbonara with crispy prosciutto, ground beef, and burata*)

We return to my own gratitudes … spanning back into an absolutely epic Fourth of July in Idaho Springs and into a jam-packed couple-dinner weekend this Friday AND Saturday AND even casually Sunday where we enjoyed the hell out of our friends and my parents; for good conversations, friends you can call at any hour, great meals, great experiments that make mediocre meals, doubles volleyball in a new league, new food for Bob, an incident with Bob that was handled with grace and empathy by everyone involved, pickup volleyball, digital yoga studio, pilates, and all of that good stuff about being grateful for my body and how it moves. I have so much to be grateful for, including incredible vendor relationships and work relationships, and framily and friend relationships, and it just makes for a fulfilling life. This past couple of weeks has been rough, but the whole gratitude list thing reminds me that it’s all adding up to a robust life that I am incredibly grateful to have.

*I mostly used this recipe. I am infamous in our household for reading a recipe a couple of times, and then just winging it from there. I am not truly a good enough cook to be doing this, but I do it anyway because I’m an incredible combination of lazy and cocky. I’d say about 72-81% of the time it works out amazing; the rest of the time, the food I make is at least, at a minimum, edible.

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