This is not from my therapist, nor is it truly about therapy. But it IS fresh out of my inbox, where I squealed a little when I received the news that Pendleton, a brand we know I’m obsessed with, created a Willamette BLANKET! ERMAGOD! TWO OF MY FAVORITE THINGS! IN ONE!

Look at the meaning! The symbolism!

Yes I just literally reposted an ad but look how cozy that lady looks in her Willamette Pendleton blanket!
Which brings us back to the therapy of a warm blanket. The comfort derived from being wrapped in a blanket, snuggled up, safe and cozy where all is right with the world even if it’s not, is incomparable. I should know, as I remained wrapped in one for the better part of the past week as I lay sick on my couch and/or slept for a sum total of 40 hours over the weekend.
I emerged recharged, feeling not only better but more like myself than I have in months.
Perhaps, then, the simple blanket IS therapy.
Buy this blanket here, $299 (which, to be reasonable amidst my excitement, seems like a lot for a blanket).
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