People are amazing.
My best friend surprised me last week, driving in from out of town with the fixins for venison chili, a bottle of special pinot, and (what I thought was) the coup de grâce: a hilarious box of letters and pictures from our childhood through college, complete with countless mentions of boys we didn’t remember and my own exclamations of how charming and hot I am… confidence, amiright?
In reality the coup de grâce appeared much later: she had hidden THE COW IN MY BED, with an orange cast on his leg!
This may take some ‘splaining; she and I have been passing this hideous stuffed animal back and forth since junior high, adding something to it and hiding it somewhere ridiculous on each other’s birthdays each year until well into our 20s. At her wedding, I gave it to her with my maid of honor speech, and she’s had the misfortune of waiting for me to get married ever since. But this life event is big enough, and so THE COW made an appearance after over a decade.
I am so grateful to have a friendship so deep and enduring as this one.
People are amazing.
Among other amazing people I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying this week: my surgeon, who put me in a boot finally!, a magical date, a spontaneous comedy show turned wine by the fireplace, my continued lattes-a-la-dada deliveries, my mom’s daily check-ins, the prefix handyman fixing more things for me, a night of chill. I am grateful I can take Nali for rolls in my knee cart and it’s funny and fun. I am so grateful for the support of people near and far, through text and dm, I am so grateful my condition is temporary and I get to start partially bearing weight which is another milestone in a long recovery, I am so grateful I have a comfortable place to be laid up and access to delivery apps and friend stop-bys and ubers and all the things that make being injured just a little more tolerable.
I am so grateful for this full life of mine, even if it looks very different than the January I initially envisioned. There’s lot of opportunity in that.