you are my celebrity

Tag: warm

Sweet Potato Pear Soup | Crowd-Pleasing Recipe

I’ve been making this stupid simple soup for over ten years (before ‘paleo’ entered anyone’s lexicon), but it had fallen out of my regular routine until I was cold last week and wanted something warm to bring for an engagement party potluck. This is the analog recipe: (how embarrassing) SWEET POTATO PEAR SOUP 1/2 onion, diced…

Doubling up the Crossfit Fun

I did 6:30pm last night and 6:30am this morning of the free Crossfit Austin workouts … super fun! Remember that this is FREE Crossfit workouts put on by two of my friends, Austin natives, until they open their NEW South Austin Crossfit gym in mid-to-late November. Yay building delays=free workouts! So last night’s workout was…