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Tag: thrillist

Dude Brah, Check Out Thrillist Rewards

Dude, if I were a dude, I’d love thrillist. I continue to receive and even occasionally read the man-focused newsletter because it is interesting and does always manage to have the scoop on what’s hot, even if it is written in frat-brohan prose. The man mecca just introduced a “rewards” program like groupon on steroids,…

March Bar Madness

You all probably know about Thrillist by now – the Daily Candy for dudes that chicks dig too. I dig it because the Austin Thrillist dude knows about everything cool before or at the same time as me–which never ceases to impress me. Anyway, the site is hosting a nationwide Bar Madness Sweepstakes – a…


I get the Thrillist newsletter by email, even though it’s supposed to be a Daily Candy/Austin Tidbits type email for what’s hot for dudes. When I found out a friend of a friend of a friend started the newsletter, I was even more, well, thrilled. Anyway, I loved what they sent me today so much…