I declared 2015 the year of openness, but so far I haven’t been all that good at making space. Sometimes it’s hard, because there’s so much we want to DO, that we pack it all in and forget that we can’t enjoy all the things without some breathing room around them. Earlier this week, we announced a…
Tag: thankful
Feel Good Friday 021315 | On Bicycles and Jeeps
Feel Good Friday 020615 | Oh, Universe
Oh, Universe. You are hilarious. One minute I’m posting about how happy I am to have my health, and the next I’m vomiting and pooping in quick succession—too quick if you know what I mean—for hours on end, sleeping next to the toilet (is my face ON the toilet? too sick to care), and then…
Feel Good Friday 010215 | 2015
The first Feel Good Friday of 2015! 2014 was a year of steadiness, of stability, of growth, of peace, and patience. In 2014, I visited Aspen, Austin, Leakey (Texas), New Orleans (twice!), Denver, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Ireland, Hawaii, Sonoma wine country, Big Sur, and Park City. I made new friends, I reconnected with old ones. I…