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Tag: texas

2025: The Year of Surprise AND DELIGHT

2025 is undoubtedly going to be surprising. Many of the things that happened late this year in 2024 (NOT peaceful things despite my 2024 word of peace) are setting 2025 up to be a doozy. What will happen?! NO ONE KNOWS! Least of all me! Which is fun and exciting and terrifying and requires a…

Skiing | Feel Good Friday 122724

The joy of skiing. Sometimes I shock even myself with how much I love skiing. It’s honestly such a pain: layers and special socks and what boots to wear pre- and post- ski boots and layers after ski and how to keep your hair from freezing and hauling all the gear and stuffing your pockets…

Thanksgiving | Feel Good Friday 120624

The biggest day of gratitude! What a coast-to-coast whirlwind the last week has been but I am grateful for my family, the opportunities, and my new, bigger family on the east coast! Holiday season is here, and boy is it packed with activities! I am so excited to catch up with so many people and…

Austin/Texas Edition: Checklist 97

Everything’s coming up Austin (and Houston, and Amarillo) in this checklist. READ ‘EM A journalist I worked with decades ago has written a book about Austin. I have not read it yet, but I can only imagine it’s as nuanced and thoughtful as the rest of his reporting. PACK YER BAGS Yellowstone recently shot and…

grateful for … | feel good friday 071924/072224

the bits of summer garden we have growing: tiny cukes and tiny tomatoes and big, fat abundant figs! my helpful handsome humanitarian warrior husband made a delicious dinner under 100 degree temps – almost nice on our morning walks – and a bit of rain bob is naughty but i’m grateful for his training and…

Best Laid Plans | Feel Good Friday 062124

The whole fam is headed up to Colorado for my mom’s belated 70th birthday celebration, and our flights are delayed—on two different airlines! Summer in the mountains. But! I’m grateful we’re going, and this is just an inevitable part of travel. In a short week with a weird Wednesday holiday from work, nothing has gone…

OOO: Wedding | Feel Good Forever 041724

We’re married! How to catch you readers up on my life since the last FGF? Skip over my magical wedding and honeymoon like they didn’t exist and dive into the day to day magic?Post all the photos we’ve shared on instagram here, here, and here, while we wait for more from the photographer? Embed the…