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Tag: romantic

I Have Nothing to Say

Email I just received: Subj: thisislifeinaustin Body: Why didn’t you post yesterday? Because sometimes I have nothing to say. I already told you about the pay-for-it events going on this week, and there’s some cool stuff going on this weekend, but I’m not ready to reveal it yet–you(I)’ll forget by the weekend. I’ve already posted…

Meteor shower tonight!

The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks in Austin tonight–though the annual astronomical event has been happening since late July–so expect to see 100s of meteors at a time during the wee hours of tomorrow morning. Although the time that the moon rises and sets varies with geographic location, visibility is more or less the same across…

More Valentine’s Day Fun

Remember how I suggested in my last Heart Day post that somewhere to go sans reservations would be Daily Juice or Whole Foods? Turns out Daily Juice is hosting a chocolate party and Whole Foods is hosting a Singles event–but that’s TONIGHT, Wednesday, so you’re probably still safe to head there Saturday night. Whole Foods…

Sagra … do you have _____? Oh, you do?

This was me at Sagra for lunch today. There’s been some buzz around the place recently for its Recession lunches, a menu of Under-$10 specials, so I decided to check it out (with my dad–hey, why spend even $10 when you don’t have to?!). In a cute little house on the corner of 17th &…