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Tag: pullup

Compliment or Insult?

Let’s play a little game I like to call Compliment or Insult?… I’m at the gym yesterday doing butterfly pullups and some dude is like, “whoa! what are you doing over there?” I explain that it’s a modification on a pullup for high volume and he looks confused. I ask if he’s ever heard of…


When I first moved to Aspen, I sort of stopped doing pullups. It wasn’t convenient to do them at my gym, in workouts, and I hadn’t yet discovered the most amazing pullup bar in all of Colorado. However, thanks to that discovery I am back on the pullup wagon, and made it my goal to…

How to Do a Pullup if You Aren’t Strong Enough

Apparently there are a lot of people out there googling, “how do I do a pullup if I am not strong enough?” They get sent to my blog because of my many posts about how I’m “not strong enough.” True story, somewhat. I mean, I’m strong enough to carry a giant tub of dishes from…

Pullups and Deadlifts

After a weekend off of CrossFit in which I did some 1-ton truck pushing, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, and ate and drank copious amounts (thanks to Soon-to-Be-CrossFit-Guy‘s appearance), I was stoked to get back into the gym. The workout: Warmup: 500 M row, 30 squats, 30 pushups, 30 abmat situps, 30 good morning stretches, 15…