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Tag: power athlete

Checklist 31

Some weeks you got it … and some weeks you just don’t. Nonetheless, we persist, and on to the list! Workouts The best coaches in the gayum (duh, deez guys over at Power Athlete) support an organization every year called Wade’s Army, and in turn, I support them every year. Read about the fight against…

Gainzzzz (or, Thanks Power Athlete HQ!)

If progress motivates … I am at full motivation. About 2.5 months ago, I started working out at a “regular gym” (ie, not a CrossFit gym), following Power Athlete’s CrossFit Football Amateur programming pretty closely (my roommate is CFFB/Power Athlete staff and amazing at life/lifting, so this is helpful). The main reasons: I want to…

Wade’s Day

Neuroblastoma is an aggressive form of pediatric cancer. Wade’s Army is a nonprofit dedicated to fighting against this form of deadly disease and remembering Wade DeBruin and his battle. The goal is to fund research and bring support to the brave children and families affected by this fatal pediatric cancer. November 12 is Wade’s…