you are my celebrity

Tag: OC

Hardest Classes in OC

I had SO much fun “researching” the hardest workout classes in Orange County. Y’all know I love to lift hard and heavy, do yoga, and play lots of sports, so trying more classes definitely got me out of my routine. Trouble is, I want to figure out how to add them all INTO my routine!…

Balboa Buzzzzed + Wilson Coffee

Mmmm my fave coffee: local roaster Wilson Coffee. CrossFit Balboa with their Balboa Buzzed blend (pic cred: first introduced me to the Costa Mesa!-based roaster. Then I took a trip over to the place for myself, which, don’t be confused, is NOT a coffeeshop, or really even a storefront. It’s nonetheless charming, and each roast…

I’m Happy.

My startup website turns three years old today! The plan was hatched as Nali and I were living in a 200-square-foot room in a B&B in Aspen, the website was formed and developed in my most favorite apartment ever in Aspen, and the site strategy, content, and audience continued to grow as I moved…

Feel Good Friday 012315 | Puppy Love

This Friday, I feel grateful for Denali. You knew that was coming. But lately I’ve had this irrational fear that she’s going to die and LEAVE ME and I COULDN’T POSSIBLY HANDLE THAT. This dawg has been with me through 10 homes in 3 states in the past 8 years. She’s been through hot Texas summers,…

Gainzzzz (or, Thanks Power Athlete HQ!)

If progress motivates … I am at full motivation. About 2.5 months ago, I started working out at a “regular gym” (ie, not a CrossFit gym), following Power Athlete’s CrossFit Football Amateur programming pretty closely (my roommate is CFFB/Power Athlete staff and amazing at life/lifting, so this is helpful). The main reasons: I want to…

Feel Good Friday 011615 | Girlfriends

I spent 52 hours in Aspen last weekend, and I left feeling so incredibly grateful, refreshed, and grounded. I got to spend amazing quality time with some of my best girlfriends through pants-less couch time, fancy dinners, basement bars, hot tubs, lifts, bowl hiking, glasses of champagne, and skiing. We talked, laughed, commiserated, giggled, dreamed, schemed, flirted, danced, gave…

Feel Good Friday 010915 | Grateful for This Body

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I’ve written once a week for OVER THREE YEARS (170+- posts). It’s time for a format change—I’ll key in on one thing each week I’m incredibly grateful for, and end each post with a list if necessary. Join me and leave anything you are grateful for in the comments! The first…

Feel Good Friday 121914

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week! Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments… Girls. Football. Tournament. So much fun. So much underdogs. So much soreness the…

Feel Good Friday 121214

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week! Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments… Super Saturday: Lexus LaceUp Race Series 5K with friends—1st place in my age…