you are my celebrity

Tag: list

Volunteer for Christmas!

An article in the Statesman today, Charities Suffering in Ailing Economy, focuses on how charities are suffering in this slow economy, especially with cash donations. It cites some scary statistics (“Contributions to the American Red Cross of Central Texas have decreased nearly 50 percent”?!?!) but also goes on to say that there are some bright…

Tonight is the Night! Blondes vs. Brunettes!

The event I’ve totally been pimping for weeks on end (is anyone sick of me hyping it yet?) is finally here! BLONDES VS. BRUNETTES KICK-OFF PARTY is tonight! I am so pumped. You’ve got to pick up your wristband before 5pm today or you won’t get access to the free bar tab! Or get to…

Networking: The Outlaw List + Mashable

So I went to an Acton MBA luncheon Friday (the entrenpreneurial MBA, they say), and I met some cool people, one of whom runs a list for young professionals called The Outlaw List. His last name is seriously Outlaw–how cool is that? Anyway, the list is all about networking–apparently Mr. Outlaw himself is a networker…