you are my celebrity

Tag: life

Little B | Feel Good Friday 082517

She’s loud, she’s overprotective, she’s grouchy, she’s an old lady, she gets sand in my bed and refuses to leave the beach sometimes, she scares old ladies walking weird and kids skateboarding and friends who come over and strangers who manage to make their way into my house and I don’t mind it when she…

Milkbone Morning

Denali and I walk on the beach every morning. Sometimes (okay, fine, a lot of times), I’m late so we only get a 15- or 20-minute walk, but sometimes we get these fabulous leisurely walks, where I sip a latte and look around for the dog catcher before slyly letting her run free along the…

Live the Questions

I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to…

Hey! Celebs on Happiness

Over on 11 Inspiring Celebrity Quotes on Happiness. The Hap? Write your own quote on happiness. Since I am a faux celeb, here goes: Happiness Is. Like the Year of Is, happiness is. Happiness is so many things: a snuggle from a pup, a kiss from a loved one, a smile from a stranger, a…

Beach Christmas!

Living in sunny SoCal has really hampered my ability to kill my own Christmas tree this year. I’m super excited about what I did find though: Living Christmas Tree, a tree rental company! They drop ‘er off and pick ‘er back up, all you gotta do is keep ‘er alive (um, easier said than done,…