you are my celebrity

Tag: last

Last minute micro-lending gift!

Only two more Valentine’s posts, I promise. This one–three last-minute super cheap GIFT IDEAS!–and Sweatin’ with your Sweetheart … 1) MicroPlace, an organization that enables loans to the working poor, is offering a Valentine’s special. You can make an investment in the name of someone dear to you, which enables a loan to an entrepreneur…

Free eyebrow shaping?!

Sometimes, you go to all these events at stores and boutiques and it becomes the same thing: little snacks on white napkins, wine in plastic cups made to look nice, and mini-makeovers. All of which are good things. But when you hear of an event with something entirely new, you get a little bit excited.…


I normally just post rumors on the sidebar over there, but this one is too juicy to relegate to the sidelines: Paul Petersen, legendary chef at The Gage Hotel in Marathon (full disclosure: I covered him in a 2007 article in Texas Home & Living) is rumored to be opening a restaurant in Austin called…