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Tag: how to

Business: You Gotta Be GOOD

I am definitely a student of the internet–I love reading the latest research, trends, musings, etc on the web, social media, the future, the past, and all that goes along with the changing way people interact. Scott Perry puts out the New Music Tipsheet, an incredible resource I started reading back in 2007 when this…


I touched down from Aspen to Austin around 2pm. By 6pm, I was sweating it out at my home gym, CrossFit Central, warming up for Angie (thanks for the #ninjakidnapping, friend). 100 pullups 100 pushups 100 situps 100 squats for time Since my shoulder is still slightly gimpy (that twinge just won’t go away), I…

Austin: Creativity Classes at

CrossFit has brought me into contact with some pretty interesting, awesome people. Mel Joulwan is one of those people, and her delightful husband Dave–who, I must confess, I barely know personally but feel like I know from Mel’s blog and his constant support of her at CrossFit and other competitive eventes–is starting a class to…

Austin/Aspen: Car2Go/CarToGo

Yep, both of these fair cities have car-sharing programs, called Car2(to)Go! Austin Car2Go is launching their program Friday May 21 with a party from 4pm-10pm at Republic Square Park with live music from The Lemurs, The Black and White Years, and more, food vendors, and test drives. Austin city employees have been using the SmartCars…

File it under: tonightsgonnabeagoodnight

No really, someone out there arrived at xlyssa by googling “tonightsgonnabeagoodnight.” All one word. You have to love the internet, where a phrase I can’t even find on my own site–with or sans spaces–somehow directed someone out there to me. And really dude, no spaces? Blackeyedpeas would be sad. Anyway, spices are really what’s up…

Great Lists of Training Secrets

Trainer Tells All He Has Learned About Health and Fitness Trainer Tells MORE About All He Has Learned About Health and Fitness These two are GREAT lists of random things that I more or less agree with from Mike O’Donnell at Fitness Spotlight. A couple faves: Pushups are the best upper body workout designed….no machine…

How to Do a Pullup if You Aren’t Strong Enough

Apparently there are a lot of people out there googling, “how do I do a pullup if I am not strong enough?” They get sent to my blog because of my many posts about how I’m “not strong enough.” True story, somewhat. I mean, I’m strong enough to carry a giant tub of dishes from…

Figure-Flattering Floaty Summer Dresses

Summer arrives earlier in Austin than most places, and winter lingers longer in Aspen than most. What’s a fashion-forward girl to do? Why, get some floaty, figure-flattering summer dresses in neutrals (yep, aqua and denim count as neutrals here–name a color they don’t go with) and pair ’em with sandals in Austin and cardigans or…

Happy Erf’s Birfday

Earth Day Things to Do Online: – learn how to recycle your beauty product containers and what to look for in earth-friendly face washes – buy Sigg water bottles from HauteLook (use this Invite to Hautelook if you’re registering for the first time) – shop Gilt Groupe’s Eco Chic Day, where 5% of proceeds go…


Last night, Alex and I went for a run around Town Lake. It was an easy 4 miles, untimed. We wanted to hang out, and rather than get froyo or a drink, we decided to do it the healthy way (ok, so we didn’t actually talk and make this decision, it was more along the…