you are my celebrity

Tag: home

Where is Home? | Feel Good Friday 071318

“You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.” I’m really feeling this quote right now (I posted it years ago on my instagram, at the time I…

Happy | Feel Good Friday 070618

Nali is happy. I am happy. Content. At peace. San Antonio is awesome, I can’t wait to go back. Low-key July 4th was awesome. VB at Aussie’s was awesome. This weekend is going to be awesome. The Handmaid’s Tale is absolutely horrifying but captivating (I’ve been binge-watching on a free trial of hulu). The next…

this is life in austin | Feel Good Friday 062218

As I settle into life in austin (again), 17 things I am grateful for: my dad – the most buckin’ awesome dad my brother – it’s amazing being back and getting to just hang out, climb, chill with our parents, whatever my mama – we know dis playing frisbee with nali (this nerf fris is…

The Best Coffee Table of Ever

This post is purely to brag about my friend who made this coffee table, the best coffee table of ever, which represents all things that are good and wonderful in the world. First and foremost, the love and labor of my marriage certificate trio husband, an amazing friend and craftsman. But after that … a…

My Place | Feel Good Friday 022318

I don’t feel like I can possibly do justice to the gratitude I have in my heart for last weekend, in Aspen, with my favorite people in the whole world. I wrote this immediately after returning home: Time somehow moves both slower and faster in Aspen. It’s as if you’re flush—with time, with friends, with…


I wanted to paint to fill the big white space above my bed. But then I inherited this awesome painting, and I didn’t need to paint anymore. But I still wanted to, so I picked up some gems at Goodwill to repurpose—a wooden block to turn into a giant coaster for flowers, a mirrored picture…

Happy Soul | Feel Good Friday 020317

It feels like I live in Aspen again—I’m here for my bestie’s 30th, but working remotely for a couple days too. It really is like the old days: I’m posted up at the library to work and chowing down on kale salad at Peach’s while laptopping away. I get to wander town, take ski break…

Pendleton Blanket

I am obsessed with this blanket. It is perfect. It is wool. It is slightly scratchy. It is made for beaches, bonfires, cabins in the woods, tents, tailgates, couches, and cuddling. It is Pendleton. It is American nostalgia. It is dreams and stereotypes and aspirations. It is what I built my entire living room around:…

Bedroom Sanctuary | Feel Good Friday 061915 

“Maybe she won’t notice if I just camouflage” …  Someone is a little disconcerted by all the buzz around moving, but ultimately she’s happy in this new spot. And hey, if puppy is happy, I’m happy, because I couldn’t be more grateful for this dog. My parents being here this past weekend kicked my butt into…