you are my celebrity

Tag: happiness

Backpacking #ActuallySheCan | Feel Good Friday 061016

hey! this was scheduled to post on Friday! Dangit. Rae Lakes loop. Now. 46 miles in 5 days. That’s where I am, and that’s where I am headed in this picture. #ActuallySheCan tank gifted by the organization. #ActuallySheCan is a campaign, sponsored by Allergan, that aims to foster important dialogue around what modern female empowerment…

Projects | Feel Good Friday 052716

I am so grateful for this. For my house on the beach, for my amazing patio, for finding a bunch of beach glass one of my first mornings revisiting the beach I used to call home and am thrilled to walk barefoot along daily once again. This weekend will be full of projects, of building…

Therapy | Feel Good Friday 032516

The best therapy. Banging heavy weights. Snatch, deadlift, power clean. Squat, lunge, press. New job has me doing this less, and I didn’t know how much I needed it until I wasn’t doing it. And I got grouchy. REAL grouchy. Apologies to everyone who ever interacted with me over the past couple of weeks. I’m…

Jet Set | Feel Good Friday 031116

Mammoth to Omaha. An unlikely turn of travels, from road trip to jet, but grateful for both. A ski weekend with two feet of snow (!!!), Nali playing again in the snow, my badass new work team, a deeper understanding of my new job… Awesome. Exhausted. And excited.

Big Girl Job | Feel Good Friday 021216

When you’re so busy starting a new job and already taking time off to travel because of a pre-planned trip(s) so you set up a blog post for feel good friday because you just have to keep up your gratitude lists but literally forget to hit publish. Feel good Tuesday! Here’s me. I started a new…

Glitter Step One | Feel Good Friday 012216

These friends of mine are the real gems in my life. Another friend died last week—though my heartache was for the friend of mine closest to him, not my own—and it brings up all the old feelings of love and loss stemming from JB’s death (9 years ago in April). It was from losing my…