you are my celebrity

Tag: happiness

eMoTioNaL | feel good friday 032125

We are throwing an engagement party I am VERY EXCITED ABOUT this weekend. It’s going to be fancy and I am excited about every bit of it, not the least of which is celebrating some of our best friends’ engagement. I get to do last minute errands tonight, and set up the house, all of…

Bluebird | Feel Good Friday 030725

There are friends that are just soul friends. Friends you’d do anything for, time be damned. I was lucky enough to spend just an afternoon with one of those a week ago, a twin flame I hadn’t seen in person in five years, and it was just magic. Fulfilling, busy, and not enough time. Then…

Uncomfortable | FGF 022125

I am grateful for the ability to be comfortable being uncomfortable. For instance, my latest LinkedIn post: I am also grateful for all the comforts of home: how cozy my house is, how much I love my office, how we have a beautiful dining room table to host dinners and big fluffy couch to…

Love | Feel Good Friday 021425

Happy Valentine’s Day. I love love. I love celebrating love. I do not love Valentine’s Day, but we are having friends over for dinner tonight to celebrate their engagement, so I am thrilled to be celebrating love on this love day! I am coming up on a year married to the love of my life,…

2025: The Year of Surprise AND DELIGHT

2025 is undoubtedly going to be surprising. Many of the things that happened late this year in 2024 (NOT peaceful things despite my 2024 word of peace) are setting 2025 up to be a doozy. What will happen?! NO ONE KNOWS! Least of all me! Which is fun and exciting and terrifying and requires a…

Skiing | Feel Good Friday 122724

The joy of skiing. Sometimes I shock even myself with how much I love skiing. It’s honestly such a pain: layers and special socks and what boots to wear pre- and post- ski boots and layers after ski and how to keep your hair from freezing and hauling all the gear and stuffing your pockets…