you are my celebrity

Tag: gratitude

Weekend Adventures | Feel Good Friday 073115

This was my weekend last weekend: And sure, it took me and the dog a little bit to recover from what was supposed to be two nights backpacking covering just 13 miles to two nights backpacking over 20 miles (landslide got in the way), but I think we’re both grateful for the opportunity to go…

Seattle! | Feel Good Friday 070315

Happy early wear loads of red, white, and blue day. I’m on a boat (maybe). Last weekend, however, I was on a float! Seattle! I was visiting the person I still call my roommate though she now lives in another city in another state with a different roommate aka her boyfriend. It was an absolutely…

Beach Days | Feel Good Friday 062615

I spend a lot of time at the beach, playing beach football and volleyball and walking the dog and taking her to dog beach. But unless friends are visiting, it’s pretty rare that I load up a beach bag and head down with a magazine and beach towel to just “have a beach day” laying around.…

Bedroom Sanctuary | Feel Good Friday 061915 

“Maybe she won’t notice if I just camouflage” …  Someone is a little disconcerted by all the buzz around moving, but ultimately she’s happy in this new spot. And hey, if puppy is happy, I’m happy, because I couldn’t be more grateful for this dog. My parents being here this past weekend kicked my butt into…