you are my celebrity

Tag: gratitude

eMoTioNaL | feel good friday 032125

We are throwing an engagement party I am VERY EXCITED ABOUT this weekend. It’s going to be fancy and I am excited about every bit of it, not the least of which is celebrating some of our best friends’ engagement. I get to do last minute errands tonight, and set up the house, all of…

Bluebird | Feel Good Friday 030725

There are friends that are just soul friends. Friends you’d do anything for, time be damned. I was lucky enough to spend just an afternoon with one of those a week ago, a twin flame I hadn’t seen in person in five years, and it was just magic. Fulfilling, busy, and not enough time. Then…

Uncomfortable | FGF 022125

I am grateful for the ability to be comfortable being uncomfortable. For instance, my latest LinkedIn post: I am also grateful for all the comforts of home: how cozy my house is, how much I love my office, how we have a beautiful dining room table to host dinners and big fluffy couch to…

Love | Feel Good Friday 021425

Happy Valentine’s Day. I love love. I love celebrating love. I do not love Valentine’s Day, but we are having friends over for dinner tonight to celebrate their engagement, so I am thrilled to be celebrating love on this love day! I am coming up on a year married to the love of my life,…

Skiing | Feel Good Friday 122724

The joy of skiing. Sometimes I shock even myself with how much I love skiing. It’s honestly such a pain: layers and special socks and what boots to wear pre- and post- ski boots and layers after ski and how to keep your hair from freezing and hauling all the gear and stuffing your pockets…

Thanksgiving | Feel Good Friday 120624

The biggest day of gratitude! What a coast-to-coast whirlwind the last week has been but I am grateful for my family, the opportunities, and my new, bigger family on the east coast! Holiday season is here, and boy is it packed with activities! I am so excited to catch up with so many people and…