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Tag: girls

Must-Read Blog for Crossfitters

I know a lot of you out there AREN’T Crossfitters, and I know this is my gazillionth post today–two strikes, but I’m still in the ballgame, because IF you Crossfit, you MUST read Sage Burgener’s (yep, as in Burgener-Warm-Up’s daughter) new blog. Only five entries in, this gem of a blog is hysterical and oh-so-true.…

First Impression: Free Crossfit Workout

So I hit up the free Crossfit workout Wednesday night, and it was a lot of fun. I haven’t been able to go back since, and I want to, because I think there’s got to be more to it than I experienced. I had fun, but here’s the breakdown: Wednesday was a team session. After…

Blondes vs. Brunettes

Blondes vs. Brunettes is an epic battle of football prowess pitting the blonde vs. the brunette … raising money for Alzheimer’s research … and it’s coming to Austin this spring! We all know how much I love flag football, but this gonna be even better! Already a success in Houston, Dallas, and DC, the charity…

Tidbits or Tribeza? Tough Thursday!

I LOVE Austin Tidbits parties. They’re rare (quarterly?), obviously causing them to be more exciting than Tribeza parties, and they usually have fab gift bags and super-fashiony people, making them way more exciting. Not that Tribeza parties don’t have fashiony people–and I will say they draw a fair man-crowd, whereas Tidbits men are randoms off…

Girly Movie Night in the Park

So I’ve been talking about free, non-drinking things to do, and I discover this round of Movies in the Park. It makes me laugh, though, because it’s the first I’ve heard of extraordinarily girly movies being shown in parks. Normally movies that appeal to both sexes are the ideal, but I guess we’ll see if…