BUT FIRST, all the details about my art show in a couple of weeks! Mark your calendars now for Nov 12 & 13 to check out rad art and sip radder wine. And hang out with me. Which I am grateful for, obviously. The recognition for the third year in a row – as long…
Tag: friendship
THE FREAKIN’ COW | Feel Good Friday 011421

People are amazing. My best friend surprised me last week, driving in from out of town with the fixins for venison chili, a bottle of special pinot, and (what I thought was) the coup de grâce: a hilarious box of letters and pictures from our childhood through college, complete with countless mentions of boys we…
Surrounded by Love! | Feel Good Friday 092818
Pew Pew Pew | Feel Good Friday 062918
Smartly EMBA Weekend Round 2 | Feel Good Friday 030918

Business school is coming to an end … my cohort of the Smartly EMBA program (info here) had our final Washington weekend, and it was even better than the first (though came with less existential questions, thank goodness). I LOVE this photo, because we didn’t intentionally plan to be in the EXACT same spots as…
Teams | Feel Good Friday 102017
New Fraaaaaands & Froyolo | Feel Good Friday 063017

A whole bunch of chance encounters led to new friends last weekend. And then, Sunday sorority house happened (I never lived in a sorority house) where the girls returned to my house for items they’d left Saturday and we laid around catching up on what happened last night, stalking our new friends on social media,…
The Widowed Girl(space)friends Club

10 years. Today, ten years have passed since my best friend was killed, an event that quite obviously changed my life. I’ve written about it plenty here. Today doesn’t hurt like other anniversaries have, but you never stop wondering what might have been. As time passes and the closeness of many of my foundational mixed-gender…
You Are My Celebrity, in which I actually get written about … like a celebrity.

Remember my lifelong bestie Cait, who essentially named this blog for me (story here)? She’s the one getting married this weekend. And she wrote this sweet bio about us and didn’t even tell me. I had to discover it on her wedding website, much like I discovered months after the fact that she had named…
I’m an Elephant Seal | Feel Good Friday 080516

I posted a Feel Good Friday photo collage on instagram (here). In it, I hashtagged myself as an elephant seal. So naturally, at work, in my boss’ office, I had to demonstrate how I felt this way. We even match. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the wedding weekend last weekend where we drove past this…