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Tag: friends

Handling a Sudden Death in a Friend’s Life

Most readers of this blog know that thirteen years ago, my best friend was murdered. There is absolutely nothing that can prepare you for the one-two punch of the grief surrounding death coupled with the trauma surrounding murder. As a person who experienced this exceptionally painful event, I have some very strong opinions on how…

The Holidaze | Feel Good Friday 121319

What a jam-packed weekend and week! I know the holidays are usually a busy season, but I don’t remember them being THIS intense before. Nonetheless, let’s get to gratitude: The best Tanukiversary one year anniversary party ever! My amazing family and friends were there with 50 of our closest people we don’t know. It was…

Here | Feel Good Friday 101819

This is the season to be in Texas. 70 degrees. A lil bit of rain (that I might not realize is coming and might bike to the gym and might get caught in), some quick storms, and lots of crisp, cool sunshine. Perfect for Town Lake walks with a 13-year-old pup. I am so grateful…

Faux Celeb Faux Luxe | Feel Good Friday 101119

Peep page 278! Just livin’ that faux celeb life… … including in the Tito’s Tent at ACL on Sunday! Low-key bestie came to town for the festy weekend and we had an absolute blast. Adult kiddie pools, nerf wars, talking with ya fraaaands, Tyler Perry’s, and all sorts of other “normal” weekend shenanigans left me…

The Most Perfect | Feel Good Friday 091319

Willamette. A bed and breakfast better than any hostel. 7 friends. A minivan named the SS Meatstick. Bonfires. A BBQ barn and the greatest Italian bistro. Happy chicken tenders and dump buckets, still not beer.  My 35th birthday trip was the most perfect. Worlds collided, friends came together, and amazing times were had by all.…

Adult Kiddie Pool | Feel Good Friday 072619

I cannot wait to do nothing this weekend. However, I am grateful for all the fun we had last weekend, and for besties who assume other besties are coming too even if they’ve only met once. … and grateful for the sleep I got to catch up on this week and will continue to get.…

Nothing But Bachelorette | Feel Good Friday 040519

Did y’all notice I missed last week’s FGF? I was in full Bachelorette mode. It was a smashing success, if I do say so myself—and I do. Five days (world’s longest bachelorette party) of girl time with hilarious shenanigans, deck dance parties, champagne, amazing food, yoga, and endless hugs and kisses. More posts to come…

Austin Itinerary: Outdoor Adventures with a Baby

When Marriage Certificate Trio came to visit with 15-month-old baby Hat and a penchant for outdoor adventures (their wedding), I was worried about how to showcase this fair city. But consider the Mission Accomplished. Thursday Downtown vibes. Had to stop by CU29 for an alumni happy hour, but fell in love with the $6 Old…

A Big Damn Week | Feel Good Friday 030119

This gratitude list was meant to be about my Marriage Certificate Trio visit—for which I am still obviously exceptionally grateful for—but this week contained so much more… How is it possible only 7 days have passed since the last Feel Good Friday? Last weekend was a marathon, epic Austin weekend (sans ANY visits to bars—hooray!).…