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Tag: feel good friday gratitude list

The End of A Year | Feel Good Friday 123121

There were many ways I saw this year ending: me having broken in my badass new skis over Christmas in Park City, me booking a last-minute tip to Tahoe or Mammoth to capitalize on the insane 10-foot dumps of snow northern Cal has received, me taking a silly Taos-Santa Fe trip on a semi-PJ, even…

Game On! | Feel Good Friday 120321 lol 121021

My original post was around this idea that the games are all on but truthfully that here only sort of on… GAME ON with this website! And dailyhap and lyssart and except not bc we’re still in WSOD purgatory and writing this FGF gratitude list on my phone.GAME ON with capture the flag except…

Feel Good PhriTuesday 100121

Grateful for this FULL, crazy life. Grateful for friends and family and therapy and Nali running around and a new striped sweater and my crazy employee whatsapping me while I’m at a music festival and Mostly grateful for GEORGE STRAIT. But also cowboy pool and Xian Noodles happy hour and Frankly strawberry lemonade vodka and…

Birthdays | Feel Good Friday 091721 on a Tuesday

I HAVE A NEPHEW’S BIRTHDAY TO CELEBRATE! Spent the weekend in Chicago celebrating a special guy’s birthday with a couple of friends who made my own very special. My 37th birthday felt like it went on for two weeks—celebrated by and with so many friends new and old. Feeling good about my 38 list. Grateful…

Priorities | Feel Good Who-Knows-What-Day 091421

The FGF post for last week and the week before that, that I missed, was originally titled ‘Colombia’, so retitling this one is easy … my week in Colombia was fantastic, gorgeous, hilarious, and unexpectedly a catalyst for many things. Alongside incredible views, friendly people, and (not enough) delicious food, I discovered more about what…

Always On | Feel Good Friday 082721

I hit a breaking point today and thank god for yin yoga at BFree. I’m ambitious and a high performer, a leader and someone who can thrive under pressure. But those characteristics are when I am in a state of on. I am truly, deeply an introvert. I need time by myself, I need time…

Saved Up Fun | Feel Good Friday 071621

Last Friday night, it felt like I saved up my fun for Saturday… and boy did I have it! I’m doing the same tonight, albeit with added yard work and furniture assembly and possibly pizza-making. Here’s the fun stuff I saved up for across this weekend and into this week… PICKUP FLAG FOOTBALL! Who knew…

Epic Fun | Feel Good Friday 070921

Epic fun. The 3rd of July Beer Olympics was a smashing success, beyond my wildest dreams. It was so smooth—setup crew with Jersey boo made it happen. Slip flip cup was the favorite event, beer (easter) hunt was hilarious, my tutu made its eighth(?!) annual appearance, the underdogs won, there were influencers and painting and…