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Tag: facial

This is My Face

The longer I live by the beach, the more of a dirty hippie I become. I already try not to drive or wear shoes on the weekends. I already eat happy animals, get a farm box of veggies delivered, and cook with healthy oils. I already work out, take long walks, play, laugh, breathe deeply,…


Because I haven’t met an athlete yet who doesn’t like a good beer with their game or sports-watching. And, Boozy Beauty Benefits of Beer

Skin by Ann Webb

I love Trisha. She pads out of a back room in cute sweatpants and a vintage tee and says, “Ready?” It’s time for my first facial (this one wasn’t that good) at Skin by Ann Webb, a place I’ve grown to love as I’ve gone for some laser hair removal on the recommendation of not…

I hereby dub this shopping week

While everyone else is “Free Week”ing it–let those live-music lovers revel–I think we should be shopping. Mainly because I’ve found a lot of great deals to share with you! And it seems like all I’m blogging about this week is shopping … stimulate the economy, people, stimulate! Does this make me the Czarina of Shopping?…

Four Seasons Lunchtime Spa Retreats

Lunch hour is the perfect time to re-energize the work day with a quick workout, walk around the lake, or meeting with a friend. Now the Four Seasons is throwing a new plan into the mix: a little R& R plus a deluxe Four Seasons boxed lunch. Afterward, you’ll probably have the most productive afternoon…

I <3 Sabia

There are some things I don’t get about Austin. Like today when I was trying to find DaVine Foods for some sprouted grain pizza, and I stumbled into the Enchanted Forest where a man was welding some things and didn’t notice me as I walked by four times looking hopelessly out of place. Only in…

SkinBella facial = so-so

Maybe I’m biased because I don’t really have problem skin, but my spa week treatment was not as exciting as I had imagined. Maybe it’s because I didn’t really realize that my SkinBella “facial” was a microdermabrasion treatment instead of the exfoliating-masque-extraction-moisturizing facial I was thinking of. milk + honey itself was nice enough, if…

Spa Week!

Spa Week is somehow little-known, but it’s amazing! Spas present several of their (normally very expensive services) for just $50! It’s to promote awareness and hopefully hook you on spa visits, but for me, it’s going to be my first facial. Four Austin spas are participating: milk + honey (2 locations: downtown & hill country…