you are my celebrity

Tag: dailyhap

I’m Happy.

My startup website turns three years old today! The plan was hatched as Nali and I were living in a 200-square-foot room in a B&B in Aspen, the website was formed and developed in my most favorite apartment ever in Aspen, and the site strategy, content, and audience continued to grow as I moved…

Hey! Celebs on Happiness

Over on 11 Inspiring Celebrity Quotes on Happiness. The Hap? Write your own quote on happiness. Since I am a faux celeb, here goes: Happiness Is. Like the Year of Is, happiness is. Happiness is so many things: a snuggle from a pup, a kiss from a loved one, a smile from a stranger, a…


Today’s task on is to write about something important to you, based on new research that reflecting on your values might help you lose weight. As a writer, part of me is like, eh, I don’t need to do that, I always write about stuff that’s important to me. And if the research is…

Feel Good Friday 030212

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Holy crap it’s March. That actually doesn’t make me feel good, but DailyHap‘s first month birthday is pretty awesome! The best skiing day I’ve…

Feel Good Friday 021712

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Get the Girls Out for … every single one of the awesomely-dressed girls I skied with is a better skier than me, so…

Get Happy with Me at DailyHap!

I teased you guys here, here, here, and here, and it’s finally HERE! is a website designed to create a community of happy people and encourage people to openly, genuinely pursue happiness. It will guide people to Achieving Happiness 1 Day at a Time through a daily action item. It is also my labor of love, my grand adventure, and now that it’s…