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Tag: crossfit

Dog-Dodging Sprints & 100 Burpee Challenge

It’s like that YouTube video that came out awhile back, where someone said the best way for a white woman to train is pretend a black man is chasing you. Sub black man for white dog and you have my sprints today at the Playground portion of Nature’s Garage Gym. Sprints: 10 x 40M (across…


Because I haven’t met an athlete yet who doesn’t like a good beer with their game or sports-watching. And, Boozy Beauty Benefits of Beer

SicFit!! Round 2: The Tale of Ripped Hands

I’ve railed against and railed against and railed against ripping your hands just to do pullups. It’s an injury, it’s not worth it, and it puts you out of commission for days. BUT today I ripped. And not just a little. Anywhere I didn’t tape, I ripped. I stopped every time I felt a blister…


I am proud to say that a) I did not die in my first CrossFit workout back in the Texas heat in the middle of the day in an un-air-conditioned garage. 101 degrees, “feels like 106,” says b) our “dynamic warmup” was laying down the horse mats that become the gym floor. This is…

Hip Hop Abs

Let me tell you a story about a girl who was having a little trouble with motivation … it was raining, her knee hurt, her shoulders were sore from rock manmakers, That Ripped Guy of Hers(TM) took her dog Nali for a hike, there was just no reason to work out. So she decided she’d…

It’s HOT! My legs AND the temp

You know you’ve been away from Austin, Texas for far too long already when an 82-degree day feels sweltering. I need to get back to my hometown for a good dose of triple-digit reality. In the meantime, here’s the WOD I’d call the Hot Legs and Abs WOD, because everything in it engages leg and…

Fight (Football/Skiier) Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad is a legendary CrossFit workout that mimics a fight. It looks like this: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. There are three rounds. The stations are: Wall-ball: 20 pound ball (14#…