you are my celebrity

Tag: crossfit central


CrossFit Central coach and all-around awesome dude Travis Holley has embarked on a year-long project called 365 Days of Strength. Travis shares his infinite knowledge and legit strength WODs on his blog (click here). His words: The purpose of this project is to provide you all with a unique perspective into all things STRENGTH!   I…

My Favorite Places

For an advisory position I’m fulfilling this coming week (more about that later!), I had to list my favorite places. As I sat down with both Austin and Aspen categories, I realized that the majority of my fave places are fitness-and-outdoors-related. No surprise, right? In Aspen: Bleeker Street, King Yoga, Rio Grande Trail, Jimmy’s, and…


I finally took my Level 1 cert test this weekend. I got certified over a year ago, but they changed the standards to be accredited so I had to take a new test—I passed! 🙂 But it also reminded me a little something about the CrossFit Kool-Aid. SO much of what CrossFit is about is…

Butcher Challenge Pics!

Saturday morning’s Butcher Challenge was awesome! Team Fresh Meat! It IS the Butcher Challenge, after all. My favorite workout buddy!! How fun is this workout?! (sorry Joey, you had to push and do burpees … boo) And, good news, I got all my pullups and hit my previous snatch PR of 95# … so snatching…