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Tag: commuting

Shopping Research List: Commuter Bike

I’ve had ridiculously bad bike luck of late. I’m sure y’all remember Snaccident 2014, in which I crashed my (mom’s) red Gary Fisher into a parked car due to snacking while biking, ripping open my knee and busting their headlight. Cool. So to replace said red Gary Fisher, I headed to Surf City Cyclery, and…

Baby’s First Stitches

Avoid distracted commuting. (See more at I learned a lot of things on Sunday. I crashed my bike into a parked car (in the bike lane, to be fair) while trying to grab crumbles of homemade protein bar out of the above plastic baggy. The car suffered only a broken taillight. I suffered only a deep…

Some thoughts from D.C.

I’m back from D.C. to some rain in the ATX, but it’s supposed to be 80 later this afternoon. I took the Texas weather with me to DC and we enjoyed blue skies and 60-70 degree weather my entire trip–so maybe I just caught it at a good time, but I loved DC. The thing…