you are my celebrity

Tag: buffalo

I’m a Halloweenie

Last year I couldn’t think of anything clever enough, so for Halloween I went as my dog. She’s white with a huge black spot on her eye, so I wore all white, painted a huge black spot on my eye, and wore her collar and leash around my neck (at least people got a kick…

Awesome party Friday!

I love I trust the reviewers, my peers in this wonderful city, immensely, and I love the list functions and weekly email updates. So I’m totally stoked for the YELP PARTY this Friday at Buffalo Billiards! This one’s an open event, but RSVP to to make sure you’re in like flint. There will…

New Austin beer! 512 Brewery

(512) Brewing officially released its first beers, the WIT and the Pale, into the wild today! The (512) WIT is available now at the Draught House Pub and Brewery on Medical Parkway. The (512) PALE is currently available at Uncle Billy’s Brew & Que on Barton Springs Road. If I didn’t have so many events tonight and…

Networking: The Outlaw List + Mashable

So I went to an Acton MBA luncheon Friday (the entrenpreneurial MBA, they say), and I met some cool people, one of whom runs a list for young professionals called The Outlaw List. His last name is seriously Outlaw–how cool is that? Anyway, the list is all about networking–apparently Mr. Outlaw himself is a networker…