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Tag: boot camp

Feel Good Friday 021712

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Get the Girls Out for … every single one of the awesomely-dressed girls I skied with is a better skier than me, so…

Aspen: Ashley Turner Yoga Bootcamp at King Yoga

Aspenites, if you can make time this week (8/30-9/2) from 11:30a-1p, you need to be doing yoga bootcamp. L.A.’s top yogini ASHLEY TURNER is doing a week-long bootcamp series at King Yoga. Based on Ashley’s upcoming DVD YOGA BOOTCAMP, this week program is specifically designed to wring out every nook and cranny of your body while radically shifting self-sabotage…

Sprints are back!

The sun is finally shining again in Aspen and I could NOT wait to get out onto the field for some sprints!! Nali and I ran 10 x 40M sprints and LOVED it. Both of us 🙂 Sprinting is awesome for you. Your body and mind. Then I hit the gym for some squat work…

Row, row, row your boat

I often scour CrossFit box websites to find good workouts, but rarely do I read about a workout another gym did and think to myself, oooh, I’ve gotta tackle that one. It’s usually tough workouts I wouldn’t program for myself, or creative combos I hadn’t thought of. Basically, I’m not emailing myself 21-15-9 workouts. Programming for…

BlissFits Boot Camp!

I’ve told everyone else over every medium I have about it, I can’t believe I haven’t told you guys about my new boot camp! I’m coaching a BlissFits Aspen boot camp in Nature’s Garage Gym at Rio Grande Park in Aspen. I started Monday with 5 people in the rain, had 3 yesterday in the…

CrossFit ABC123: Nature’s Garage Gym

As in, it’s as easy as the alphabet and numbers to CrossFit in Aspen even sans a gym! Ha, nerd. Also in that I live at this place in Aspen called ABC (Airport Business Center), which is actually 3 miles outside of downtown Aspen but is virtual heaven for dogs. And now for CrossFitters. This…

Lunge Circus

Gimpy WODs still suck. Today was my only two-a-day of this week (I think) and it was fine, I wasn’t tired or anything, but I’m TIRED of exclusively working my legs. Is this even good for me? Should I be yoga-ing instead? I can’t put my arm overhead with yoga either … Anyway, our warmup…

Free Mid-Week CrossFit Workout!

I know, I know, I’m always posting about free CrossFit workouts (hello, they happen at least once a month), but this one is special because it’s on a Wednesday at 9:30am. Totally random–or targeting those of us who refuse to get out of bed for 8:30am Saturday workouts–but totally awesome. Get to work early and…