There is a scientific theory called Spiral Dynamics integral which enumerates exactly how and why our perspectives about the world change as the circumstances and problems we face shift up and down in complexity. Dr. Don Beck, the champion of this theory, is coming to Austin this Wednesday (tonight) to tell us how we can use it to deal with the toughest issues of our time and make the world a more understanding and peaceful place for ourselves and everyone else in it.
[Pause] My brother is really into Spiral Dynamics and Integral Theory. I know very little about it, except that sometimes strange people come over to my house for their meetings. Not all of them are strange, but you know. Anyway, my brother said this Dr. Beck guy is “one of the scholars I respect most in the world,” which means a lot from a guy with a religious studies degree from Rice (I say this without sarcasm–I would argue that reli majors have read most of the world’s major scholars). [End Pause]
Dr. Beck applied the theory of Spiral Dynamics to help end apartheid in South Africa. He continues to use Spiral Dynamics to guide new, integral thinking in some of the most complex and dangerous global hot-spots, such as Israel-Palestine. This event will undoubtedly be inspiring and eye opening as we begin to understand how we too can use Spiral Dynamics to find creative solutions to whatever comes our way. Dr. Beck promises to discuss the environmental challenges right alongside Longhorns so it’s going to be fun. He’ll be speaking in Austin at the Authenticity Gallery (9th and Congress).
More info about the event, which costs $25, can be found at This is also where you can buy tickets.
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