I read some post today talking about how much the author loves 21-15-9 groupings. So I wanted to go for a run, but still CrossFit, and my legs are still sore from those damn pistols despite the fact that I played games of both basketball and soccer yesterday which should have worked out some of the soreness, so I wanted to loosen the legs but really work the arms, and I was excited Alex thinks my workouts are funny not in a bad way, so I did a long, crazy metcon that I didn’t take too seriously. It went like this:
(Start at the top of the stairs of death)
Rock swings & L-Sits for seconds
Run ~1000M to the bridge
Manmakers 15# rocks & Jumping squats
Run ~1000M back to the stairs, sprint up
Rock cleans & Situps
Time: 33:11
The Manmakers, done with uneven rocks, were a TOTAL TIME SUCK. That couplet took FOURTEEN MINUTES. No way should it take that long, but it was really hard to balance on the uneven rocks I was using, and they pretty heavy, and it was just tough. I’m not a grunt-er, but I was grunting and HAAAAAAAAAAAA-ing my way through the manmaker portion of this lovely workout.
Alas, coulda done the whole workout faster, but I was keeping an eye on my workout companion/bipolar dog and not too worried about it. Still a tough workout.
Pictured is the top of the stairs of death, where I did my swings and medball rock cleans, and my new Oly lifting platform. All I need now is a bar and some plate weights, and the balance not to fall in the hole.
It’s not perfect, but it’s my Nature’s Garage Gym.
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