you are my celebrity

Fo Real Feel Good Friday 052722

A long weekend stretches before us, with boats and lakehouses and pool parties looming like the Texas sun—that is, coming in hot and slightly terrifying with its intensity. I was so excited. But today is just not a good day. Nali isn’t doing well. I’m not doing well. I spent the morning cleaning up poop…

Checklist 75

There’s a blogger I follow who has been blogging about as long as me, and she’s been making a list like this for over a decade. She’s on #324. I may never get there but 75 sure feels like some sort of achievement. Feed & Bev Me SO PROUD of my friends Balanza Vineyard for…

Austin: 6 Happy Hour Spots to Impress Business Partners

An email I recently sent: There’s a badass, super impressive spot called Kinfolk but it’s tiny, not sure we’d be able to get 10+ in there (think it’s 20 max and we’re late for renting it out) Lutie’s – gorgeous restaurant, a little off the beaten path location-wise Canje – very cool Caribbean restaurant on east Sixth Fonda San…

Feel Good Good Friday 041522

“You’ve got a swagger you didn’t have before …” one of my football teammates said to me when I showed up to cheer them on. Maybe I do. Despite my frustrations with my achilles—yes, teammate is right, I am ahead of schedule but I am still SO FAR from playing—I am doing SO well. People…