Bob, Zimbobwae, Byobi … the weird lil corgi army crawler guy continues to be simultaneously a complete and utter dickhead (to strangers, people walking by, and everyone who has to hear him on my conference calls) and a source of endless joy, love, and humor (especially at night, when it’s dark, and he can’t see anything to allegedly protect us from).
Friday night we met with a very skilled dog trainer who laid out for us very clearly what his rehabilitation will look like. It’s a lot. I cried.
I was/am overwhelmed, with work, with friends, with getting back into a fitness routine, with sports, with everything. But I also know that the very fullness of this life is what I cherish.
Grateful for a full weekend of friends, of football-playing and football-watching and some combination of the two. For real live fires and compound hangs and GO BIRDS! and just lots and lots of goodness.
This next week will continue to overwhelm, but I will continue to be stupid happy about it.