While I was glamping, hiking, wine tasting, tandem biking, dancing, exploring, moonlight hiking, taking in views, drinking coffees on porches, loving life, and annoying the hell out of my friends on social media whilst in Sandpoint, Idaho, one of this blog’s and DailyHap‘s biggest supporters died unexpectedly.
She was a champion of all things good, a passionate, curious, earnest devotee of self-improvement, self-exploration, and self-progress. She constantly built me up, and some of her “you go girl!” emails single-handedly kept me trucking down some of the paths I’ve chosen.
She loved Feel Good Friday so much that she started emailing her group of friends every Friday with her own notes. She often sent them to me too. So on Friday, I wasn’t sure what to do. I had already written on Thursday a very grateful post—also tied to death. I hadn’t prepared a Feel Good Friday post yet. Post-facto, I ultimately decided to stay silent. Her last Feel Good Friday on this earth was a silent moment of gratitude for her unwavering support and championing of my work.
May everyone pursue happiness, love, and wellness as earnestly as she did.