you are my celebrity

mercury design studio

LOVED this store. I went by mercury design studio on Second Street today to do some research for an article I’m working on and I just loved it. If I had the money to buy hand-selected vintage chairs in perfect condition, I would. These are the things out of magazines. I mean, in the window is a crazy-awesome pair of orange-and-white chairs! You don’t even have to go in the store to see the awesomeness.

It’s laid out wonderfully, with these little nooks of different themes that change. There’s a great selections of gifties, from little silk travel cases to jewelry to bamboo-shaped pens to hand-pressed stationery. Seriously, if I had the money, I’d move in–or move all their stuff out, rather. The owner is a charming man … although I was excited when he complimented me on my purse, the next customer walked in and he complimented her on her sweater (it was cute)! That’s the kind of man he is though.

Lest you believe I just write positive reviews, I went into Sana Boutique and it was not awesome. Honestly, there was just very little inventory. What they had was neat, but not enough to warrant a trip there.

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