Gimpy WODs still suck. Today was my only two-a-day of this week (I think) and it was fine, I wasn’t tired or anything, but I’m TIRED of exclusively working my legs. Is this even good for me? Should I be yoga-ing instead? I can’t put my arm overhead with yoga either …
Anyway, our warmup was a mile run (I can do!), 5 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) but Gimp-style: 15 squats, 15 lunges of assorted types, which earned me a tweet from Lindsey later asking what my lunge circus was, when she meant lunge circuits. Love the typo! Anyway, more warmup of 2 rounds Mary (5 HSPU, 10 pistols, 15 pullups) but Gimp-style: ring inversions as long as it takes two people to handstand hold, 10 pistols for 3 rounds. Then they did Isabel (30 snatch @ 95#) and I did Gimp-style 3 Rounds: Front squats 115#, supernaturals on GHD machine. Time 4:38. Blah blah blah BORING!
In exciting things, meet the silly team of girls doing the Endless Beauty Extreme Body Challenge:
Don’t you love ZT?! His quote of the day, “you need MENTAL FOCUS!” in a cowboy accent. Precious. If the word precious can be used to describe ZT.