Athletic pursuits have made up my life since at least junior high, when I really started caring about basketball. I focused on that sport pretty quickly, and got to be pretty good at it. 😉 My identity has since at least partially been defined by being an athlete, so when it came time to learn something athletic—skiing and snowboarding—and I was a baby baby beginner, it was really hard for my ego. But two seasons later, I’m confident I can ski anything and decently snowboard—and I’ve learned how valuable my learning curve was for my self-esteem and confidence. Paradoxically, the early failings led to much bigger confidence and happiness gains as I got better!
Anyway, the point of this soliloquy was simply to introduce the below video …
Many of the Haps have included athletic pursuits recently … still a big part of my life!
What is my spring new learning? Working with horses and learning how to train them + getting amazing at sand volleyball!! Motherlode Labor Day weekend (also my birthday) here I come!! 🙂
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