you are my celebrity

Laughter in the Grocery Store | Feel Good Friday 100623

Scene: TUESDAY NIGHT at the fancy HEB on Lake Austin that isn’t really bougie except in the wine section

We’re laughing and giggling down the aisles, being super playful, possibly annoying

We’re buying too much stuff because we rarely grocery shop together and we were down to our barest cupboard and refrigerator situation so need a big restock

We bought stuff for dinner … and then stopped at Pool Burger for burgers and pimento cheese

A grocery store trip to be grateful for.

But, friends, it’s not over.


Me: “Are you making … cupcakes?” [puzzled, head cocked]

Handsome Helpful Humanitarian Warrior: “No, I’m making a sheet cake.” [happily icing a piping-hot sheet cake out of the oven that should definitely have cooled but okay sheetcakeguy]

Me: “For someone?”

HHHW: “Me!”

Me: … … … [has no words]

HHHW: “We bought it last night.”

Me: “There’s cake mix in the pantry that’s been there as long as I’ve lived here. Maybe longer. Purchasing does not mean baking.”

HHHW: Licks spoon.

AND THEN, as I was already dying of laughter and texting the friends who call him cookie monster, I discovered that not only was he using a cheese knife to serve himself said sheetcake, but he took his last bite like this:

Who on earth have I committed to marry?!

Every year, I don’t think I’ll go to ACL. And every year, I’m wrong. I end up going and having a wonderful time. At some point you’d think I’d just embrace the fact that I LOVE live music and prioritize seeing festivals and shows.

It’s BUDGET SZN at work and that is a hellish time, but I had my massage and my yoga class and I am feeling pretty centered and zen, and I am so grateful for that grace.


Y’all I just got back from ACL early but by golly I’m publishing this FGF on an F!! Grateful ❤️

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