This week I’m grateful for:
squeezing into the floor of the two-seater truck
and on top of his kennel in the mini
and the bmw
the mobile mechanic
a romp through a random field off the side of the road as we waited for a tow truck
OmniShield pest control
pack walks
a puff-sleeve swimsuit from amazon—doubles convincingly as bodysuit
surprise pendleton outdoor blanket
not having food poisoning anymore
bob’s first (?!) creek visit
my nephew graduating from calling me “Tiiiiii” to “Ti-uuuh!”
the kollective
temple friends
shelby yoga
my team at work
bday and baby parties
latte a la dada even if the latte is bad
i finally mowed my own lawn again and i am grateful to myself for doing that
a grain bowl
grocery delivery
thunderstorms (but not when bob wakes me up scared)
a childhood bestie visit
the promise of a chill(ish) weekend (after a baby shower)(with my cousin in town)
books read
j-train podcast
pink lemonade spindrift
my values (an exercise)
lily & fox sticker nails