Grateful for my achilles healing
Grateful for Mondo Sports and my PTs Justin & Katie
Grateful for Shelby and her massages
Grateful for BFree, and yoga at Antone’s
Grateful for this cold front, for it refreshing Nali enough to keep her zooming, for sweatpants and hoodies
Grateful for fire
Grateful for friends and birthdays and spontaneity
Grateful for Nali’s new old vet Dr. David Noel, who was a vet tech when she was a puppy and is now her doc
Grateful for wine on the couch
Grateful for job and how much I love it
Grateful for my team
Grateful for my fam, the neighbros and lattes a la dada Friday mornings
Grateful for my opportunities
Grateful for my Helpful Warrior Humanitarian Photographer(tm) who just makes life better (and easier!)
Grateful for house guest
Grateful for everything I have, and who I am
Grateful for the new gate
Grateful for responsibilities
Grateful for house hunting (not for me)
Grateful for mobility and autonomy
Grateful for cryo and sauna
Grateful I got this Feel Good Friday gratitude list out on a Friday, for once! 🙂