you are my celebrity

It’s Been Two Weeks | Feel Good Saturday 030422

Since my last confession gratitude list. It is not an exaggeration to say that after the last fifteen days, my achilles was visibly protesting the uptick in activity I put upon it. The cankle was real.

I went from the couch to 30,000 feet in the air on the way to Mexico, from not driving to commuting an hour+ to hang out with my (fellow) executives for three days at the “Austin” office, from going out once a week to a restaurant or bar to every night the execs were in town. Lest I rest, I then side-hosted a wedding celebration that was *mostly* at my neighbros but spilled into mine and everything had to look perfect. I also unapologetically wore Ugg boots for the majority of the festivities and may have been the only person pleased with the cold as it hid my boot.

I’m so grateful for my Helpful Warrior Humanitarian Photographer(tm). He made all the craziness easier, and more fun.

I’m so grateful for the Compound, for getting to be so close (physically and emotionally) to my brother, sis, and baby neph. We finally got that gate put in, so our houses are as connected as ever.

I’m so grateful for the wedding celebration, for getting to spend time with all my brother’s best friends from college who are friends of mine too, for getting to spend time with my little brother-cousin and other fam, for getting to spend time with my childhood best friend.

I’m so grateful for work, for the faith and confidence my bosses have in me, for the opportunities I’ve gotten and continue to get, for the ways I get to make an impact. When it gets frustrating, I get to remind myself that I wanted this and worked for it.

I’m grateful for Nali, for lattes à la dada, for PT, for bromance, for my pullup bar, for emmer & rye and cacio e pepe, for an accidental night out, for house hunting, for friends afar who read this blog.

When I started getting mobile again, I felt a sense of loss—when I was totally laid up, I couldn’t overfill my days or get fomo or plan trips and see friends. The loss of that inactivity has been more bittersweet than I expected. The laying low was a nice departure from the pace of my life, and I’m jumping back in too quickly. But, I’m grateful to have so much to do and to look forward to.

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