How was it only last Friday that we enjoyed a FrontPortraits photo shoot at the MAC**?
Did I watch an entire season of Scandal in just three days?
Was it really last week in which I read the books I recommended in our covidtainment post? I feel like I read them a year ago.
How long did I persist without a vegetable in my diet? Was it really only two days because I lucked into a Costco delivery last night and immediately chugged a Suja green juice upon its arrival?
Have I done 17 yoga classes in six days? Maybe? I don’t even know anymore. Is my office the yoga studio? Or my den? Or the outside? WHERE IS MY HOME YOGA STUDIO?!
The days are endless.
Don’t get me wrong: moves are being made, jobs are being applied for, action is being taken. It’s just. so. slow. Everything has slowed down.
At times, I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful for the time to go on long walks with Nali, to sit and read books or take a bath every night, to be still. But without the contrast, the motion, is stillness so luxurious? I keep reminding myself that life is always, without fail, peaks and valleys. Mountains and oceans, ebbing and flowing.
But it has come to this***:
a(s)t e risk of being absurd … glossary of asterisks
*A Hundred Years of Solitude is a great book. I know I read it in English and I’m pretty sure I read some of it in Spanish probably for my AP Spanish class in which I did basically nothing but read in Spanish whether it was assigned or not, which is why my Spanish reading comprehension is great but my speaking subpar.
**The MAC is the name for the Compound that is mine and my brother’s house (not to be confused with an ill-fated tshirt from our high school where I might or might not have read A Hundred Years of Solitude in Spanish but I actually wish I still had that tshirt now)
***The coloring, not the camping. I’D DEFINITELY RATHER BE CAMPING!