020323: is losing your voice always a metaphor for … losing your voice?
Did writing about being even a tiny bit intimidated bring this on? Did I silence MYSELF? Or is it just recirculated airplane air, a virus going around, a diminished immune system from disrupted routines?
Coming back from the leadership offsite, I was full of ideas and verve and feeling like a driver of change. But in losing my voice I literally couldn’t, and it was probably for the best. It gave me more time to process, reflect, and really make good choices about where to invest time and energy, rather than just jumping into EVERYTHING which isn’t sustainable. I’d rather move too fast than too slow, but sometimes it’s important to take a pause and check in before just heading full-force ahead. And that’s where we’re at now.
021123: was in Tahoe with my bestest of friends. Will report in 3 days. Just gotta get this one out from 11 days ago.
021423 ::: hit publish ::: Grateful for love of all kinds today. Missing Bob (at behavior boot camp). Missing my framily. Lovin’ my beau. Love the campaign we’re running right now.