I was wrong that I didn’t want the jacuzzi tub… even though it looks tiny, it feels fucking amazing to have a JACUZZI TUB in YOUR OWN PERSONAL bathroom.
I was wrong about what I wanted when I moved home.
I was wrong about who I wanted when I moved home.
I was wrong about some aspects of work.
I was wrong about not being challenged, it’s chipping away at my soul.
I was wrong about linen sheets, those shits are NOT soft and not better.*
I was wrong about Turkish towels. I’ve been trying to make fetch happen for at least four years and they suck. They aren’t soft, don’t dry quickly, and stain easily.**
I was wrong about not being a planner.
I was wrong about who I am.
I’m an exceptionally decisive person. I’ve cultivated this intentionally; I like to consider, analyze, and move. But it seems I am currently being reminded that perhaps my conclusions can be jumped to a bit too fast, that it’s possible there are times I should—maybe—chill before making a snap judgment.
But … what if I am wrong about being wrong?!
*Discuss: I hedged my bets and bought $100 linen sheets, which suck, instead of $350-$500 linen sheets (Parachute, Boll & Branch, MagicLinen, Brooklinen, West Elm, Pottery Barn … ?!?!) which could still suck or could be great. Did I do it wrong? I WAS STILL WRONG IF SO. I returned the shit sheets. When you are wrong, you can still get right.
**I gave them away. TAKING ACTION on this wrongness!
***Because it’s easier to get rid of stuff than deal with the other stuff I was wrong about: emotional, psychological, physical well-being and all.