My favorite thing about winter? I think it’s pumpkin. Particularly Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Now before you getting all “Starbucks has a billion calories in it” on me, here is a super-duper easy way to make dairy-free Pumpkin Spice Latte … and if you consider whey protein relatively Paleo (many do not), then you can even call it Paleo!
For a healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte, you need:
2 tbsp pumpkin puree (canned or made all by yourself)
vanilla whey protein*
mix together and voila! Pumpkin Spice Latte! The whey makes it taste creamy like a latte, the spices jazz up the pumpkin, and the coffee perks you up! It’s perfect for a wintry day.
*I used Greens & Whey in vanilla and it tasted like death. I would not recommend mixing greens into this pumpkin spice latte equation.
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