On the HCG diet, if you gain 2 or more pounds from the weight you ended the HCG drops at, you have to do a Steak Day, where you eat nothing all day until dinner when you have the largest steak possible and an apple. After bingeing two nights ago on the most amazing flax crust pizza I’ve ever made (post coming!!), I had gained those two pounds, so Steak Day it was. Pictured above is 16 ounces of U.S. Wellness Tenderloin Kebobs goodness. YUM! Cooked in butter, this was a delicious and VERY filling meal.
I frequently fast in the mornings, so not eating wasn’t that much of a challenge for me. Always interesting to note.
This morning, I was back down to my weight! I’m not 100% sure why the steak day is effective, but everyone reports that it is.
I’ve only got a few more days until the whole HCG diet experience is over, 6 weeks of not drinking alcohol and clean eating. I’m debating if I will have a crazy meal or just add wine in and try to stick to the clean eating, even on the first “free” day.
Last night I also hit a fun, quick workout stolen from CrossFit One World:
5 Rounds
5 reps 95# ground to overhead (bc of the kilo weights in the gym, I used 100# and clean-and-pressed)
10 reps 35# kb swing (I used a 40# kb, it’s all they have at the gym)
Time: watch didn’t start til 3rd round, but guessing around 6:30 given how long it took me to do the last 3.
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